While it's important to celebrate our history and heritage, it's also important that we ensure our status and traditions remain appropriate for our people and community as we grow as a nation. In my view, the arguments in favour of becoming a Republic are irresistible (I won't rehearse them here). And, not inevitably, but forthwith.
To that end, wouldn't it be sensible for the Queen to make the following Proclamation on the centenary of Dominion Day?

That's brilliant Dean - can I use it on the Republic New Zealand group on Facebook?
No mention of s 13 of the Flags, Emblems and Names Protection Act?
Checked that, but given it's clearly used in a faux context, I was sure it fell outside the rider in s13:
"in such a manner as to be likely to cause any person to believe that he does so under the authority, sanction, approval, appointment, or patronage of Her Majesty's Government".
But a new caveat posted to avoid any doubt...
Lewis: By all means (although you probably either refer to my blog or note the caveat I've posted in my blog!).
Obviously, I'm not serious ... it's just one of my favourite Acts :-)
I was astonished last night to see that, amongst other things, the Guide Guide symbol and the Olympic "Goldie" Kiwi are protected under that legislation...
Why would it be published in the London Gazette. And why upon the advice of the Privy Council? considering it is 'published' under Arms of Her Majesty in Right of New Zealand, and Her Majesty's New Zealand Royal Style and Titles. Thus it would be the New Zealand Gazette and the New Zealand Executive Council..
Needless to say there is only one word of truth in there: GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!
Wouldn't it be better symbolism for us to declare a republic ourselves, rather than be "granted" it by the monarch? After all, legitimacy derives from the consent of the governed - not from some old biddy in London.
OTOH, this is the most expected path to a republic.
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